Our Guarantee for our Products:
If you are tired of buying "Universal Receivers" and / or "Spare Parts" that do NOT always work or fit with each other, then we invite you to try our products ! Here you will find "Receivers" and spare parts that always work.
Every time you buy spare parts from us, they will fit and they will work perfectly, as they should.
Call soon, as they are sold before they come off the machines....
This is a "win - win" situation for both: You and Us, as you've got a Great "Universal Receiver" at a Great price, and we've gained a happy customer.
♦ If you expect to pay less for a "Universal Receiver" or Spare Parts from another company, please make sure you call someone who is using Receivers, and find out about the Brand name they prefer - for stability, dependability, performance and Quality, and our name will be the one you will get: "Ulysses Machine Company's" Universal Receivers.
♦ You will be getting "The Best Universal Receiver" - Anywhere!
♦ We offer FREE SHIPPING on your very first order with us (continental USA-only) plus 25% discount, up to $ 1,000.00 OF TOTAL SALE - on Spare Parts only - (maximum discount: $ 250.00)
Convenient custom-make of any parts you need - according to your specs.
We manufacture Brand New Universal Receivers, and we rebuild OLD, unusable, ugly looking, bad, or even "dead" ones — all under one roof ..... just send us your Receiver as is, and if it is rebuildable, we will let you know, free of any charge for checking it out.
If you chose to have us "rebuild it", you will get it back in just a few days, at less than half the cost of a New one - guaranteed to look and operate like a brand new unit.
If we can not rebuild it, you owe us nothing ....you can't lose.
Usually, most Receivers are rebuildable (about 95% of them), so please give us a call for details.... we have rebuilt hundreds of them so far, with Great success.
We invite you to give us a call with any questions of any kind, including special needs for special parts that you might need to be made for you.
All credit card sales are subject to a 3.5% service charge - no exception.